“You shouldn’t have to go into debt to become a teacher,” said Donaldson, the founder and managing partner of the National Center for Grow Your Own, a nonprofit that provides technical assistance to states and school districts to establish teacher-apprenticeship programs. “When you remove the financial barriers, it’s amazing how many people want to become a teacher.”

“Whether parents, tutors, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, paraprofessionals, folks who have a heart for teaching, who, if simply given the opportunity — and, usually, what this means is removing the financial barrier — would make an excellent teacher if given the chance.” - David Donaldson

“The National Registered Apprenticeship in Teaching Network announced its launch last week in an effort to connect states that are exploring registered teaching apprenticeships approved by the U.S. Department of Labor to address educator shortages.

The launch of the network points to an emerging interest in using teaching apprenticeships and grow-your-own models as a tool to combat teacher shortages.”

“Our goal is creating a world in which aspiring teachers can become a teacher for free and be paid to do so,” said David Donaldson, the founder and managing partner of the National Center for Grow Your Own, a nonprofit that provides technical assistance to states and school districts to set up apprenticeship programs.

With federal dollars up for grabs, “I actually think that’s a possible scenario,” he said.